The Museum of the History of Polish Jews – POLIN
Located in the heart of what once was the Jewish neighbourhood, POLIN invites visitors to a journey through a thousand-year history of Jews in Poland. The Museum is housed in a unique building designed by Finnish architect Rainer Mahlamäki, which has quickly become one of the iconic landmarks of the city. As a museum of life, it engages with the present and opens out to the future. In eight interactive galleries, packed with multimedia exhibitions, first-person accounts and artifacts, POLIN traces the history of Jews from their arrival to Poland in the Middle Ages to modern times. A richly decorated and hand-crafted replica of the roof of the 17th century synagogue in Gwoździec is a centerpiece of the core exhibition. Immerse yourself in this journey of 1000 years!
Free admission: Thursdays
ul. Anielewicza 6
00-157 Warszawa
To find out more click here.